FUNdraising Programs

When you think of fundraising, most think of ‘stuff’ to sell to meet their budgetary goals. Instead of selling ‘stuff’, host a GRAND ILLUSIONS BY THE BLOOMS FUNDRAISING COMMUNITY EVENT. The GRAND ILLUSIONS BY THE BLOOMS FUNDRAISING COMMUNITY EVENT is fun, exciting and may include various groups in your immediate area to be a part of the ‘EXPERIENCE’.

The GRAND ILLUSIONS BY THE BLOOMS COMMUNITY EVENT have been employed by school PTAs/PTOs, music departments, community theaters and more. The Blooms help their sponsors raise money with their unique family friendly, Las Vegas headlining, international touring performances for all to enjoy. The GRAND ILLUSIONS BY THE BLOOMS show is just the anchor of the FUNDRAISING COMMUNITY EVENT , to get people in the door. Many more money- making opportunities await your organization once the event begins! Discover the real secret to the GRAND ILLUSIONS BY THE BLOOMS FUNDRAISING COMMUNITY EVENT and the many different income streams this fundraiser has to offer. Contact us and we will detail every aspect of making the most money from this one night/one weekend only engagement. There are no tricks or gimmicks, just real success.

Since Y2K (2000), the Blooms have been administering fundraising programs through the fundraising arm of their American Wax Entertainment Group entity. The Blooms have helped collectively raise over a million dollars for communities, schools, organizations, music departments, daycare centers, dance studios, scouting organizations, sports groups and more, through their various money-making programs. During their time in the fundraising industry, the Blooms have offered and distributed gift items, oil lamps, cookie dough, pies, cheesecakes, pizzas, candy bars, candles, wrapping paper, plush toys, scented pencils, boxed chocolates and more as their various product lines. Presenting a successful, one night/one weekend live show community event experience, is just another one of the many services the Bloom family offers. We put the FUN in FUNdraising!